Week 10
Gavin is still recovering from illness and so there is a slight change in plans. Lecture materials are via recordings, class sessions on Tuesday and Thursday will be question/answer sessions and live walk-through of examples from the lectures. Wednesday’s lab will be on using spatial data in R.
📖 Tue:
Reading: Chapter 14 of Zuur et al. 2007
Lecture 16 - Linear Discriminant Analysis (Recording)
(lecture starts at 15m30s)
📖 Thu:
- Reading: Chapter 9 of Zuur et al. 2007
- Lecture 17 - Trees (Classification/Regression) (Recording)
🖥️ Linear Discriminant Analysis
- Rmd with examples from the lecture
- Data sets can be found in the class-data folder.
🖥️ Lab 8 - working with spatial data in R
🖥️ Trees
- Rmd with examples from the lecture
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