MAR 536 Lab 7: Functions



R allows the user to create objects of mode function.

Most of the functions supplied as part of R are themselves written in R and do not differ from user written functions.

A function is defined by an assignment of the form:

fn_name <- function(arg_1, arg_2, ...) expression

The expression is usually a grouped expression, that uses the arguments to calculate a value.

The value of the expression is the value returned for the function.

A call to the function takes the form:

fn_name(expr_1, expr2, ...)

Scripts vs Functions

R scripts/markdown files containing lots of lines of code are fine for one-off analyses, but tedious if repeating the same analysis on many datasets.

Instead use functions to code commonly performed tasks.

Allows you to avoid global variables that can be accessed and changed anywhere.

To avoid duplicating code: if you have multiple copies of almost identical code, put it into a function.

Scripts vs Functions

You can create a function when R does not have a built-in function for your needs.

When running an analysis over and over again, you can just call the function (one line) instead of running many lines of code.

“…learning to write useful functions is one of the main ways to make your use of R comfortable and productive.”
(Venables et al. R manual)

A simple function: cv()

There is no R function for the CV, or coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by the mean)

cv <- function(xvec) { 
   cv_value <- sd(xvec)/mean(xvec) 
values <- rnorm(n=1000, mean=5, sd=2) 
[1] 0.3966093

Available objects
Only the new function cv() and the object values are available in the workspace (they are global).
Object cv_value (defined inside the function) is encapsulated within the function cv() and not available outside it.
Well-designed functions only receive inputs through their arguments.

Optional arguments

If xvec includes NAs the function won’t work, instead, add an optional argument.

cv_new <- function(xvec, na.rm = FALSE) {  
   cv_value <- sd(xvec, na.rm = na.rm)/
               mean(xvec, na.rm = na.rm) 
values <- rnorm(n=1000, mean=5, sd=2)
values[100] <- NA 
[1] NA
[1] 0.3973516
cv_new(values, na.rm = TRUE) 
[1] 0.3973516

Some built-in R functions (e.g. lm()) have many optional arguments.
qnorm(0.25,0,1), qnorm(x = 0.25), and qnorm(0.25,sd=1) all return the same result.

Lab exercise 1/4

Create a function wtlen() with three arguments: a vector of lengths, and values a and b.
The function should return the weights of the fishes using the weight-length equation: \(W = aL^b\)
Use the function to calculate the weight (in g) of fish of length 100, 200, 300 cm for:

Species a b
Mola mola 0.0454 3.05
Regalecus glesne 0.0039 2.90

i.e. you can run your function twice, once with the paramters for Mola & once for Regalecus.

Properties of functions

- Have a name
- Are provided with input (“passed” some input)
- Do something
- Return something for later use

Functions can call other functions.
A program is a collection of functions.
Functions can be re-used.
A good function is general, carefully written, and well documented.

Help with functions

Type ls() at the prompt in the console to see all of your current objects, including functions.

Type the name of a function to see how it was created, e.g. lm

To copy and then change the source code of a built-in function in R, use the edit function, e.g. edit(lm)

R contains numerous functions, the trick is finding the right one and being able to understand the documentation.

Outputs of functions

The command return(my_object) makes the object my_object available to whatever called the function.

If the function is called from the console, return(my_object) prints out the object.

Replacing return(my_object) with invisible(my_object) returns the value without printing out the object.

What is the most common function that returns invisibly?
(Hint: you use it on nearly every line of code)

Functions do not have to return anything.

You can pass and return all sorts of things: a single number, a vector of numbers, a character, a boolean value, and even another function (!)

Outputting many values from a function

Achieved by returning a list object.
(e.g. value returned by lm())

compute_stats <- function(xvec) {
  ave <- mean(xvec)
  var <- var(xvec)
  cv <- cv_new(xvec)  # call to our own function    
  cat(ave, var, cv, "\n") 
  out <- list(ave = ave, var = var, 
              sd = sqrt(var), cv = cv)
values <- rnorm(n=1000, mean=5, sd=2)
values_summary <- compute_stats(values) 
4.958735 4.0205 0.4043609 

Lab exercise 2/4

Write a function cor_vec() which takes two vectors X and Y which:
1. Centers both vectors (subtract their respective means) so they average 0
2. Plots X versus Y
3. Returns the correlation between X and Y.

Apply your function to the following data set:

xx <- seq(from = 1, to = 100, by = 1)
yy <- 0.2 + xx*0.5 + rnorm(n = length(xx), mean = 0, sd = 5)

Add , ... to your function’s argument list and to the call to your plot’s geom_() command.
The ... stands for any parameter.
Call the function with parameters that change the color & size of points.

Scope: where is an object visible?

x1 <- 10
func1 <- function(x,y) {
func1(x=5, y=6) 
[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 10
Error in print(x): object 'x' not found
Error in print(y): object 'y' not found

Scoping rule: if there is a local variable and a global variable with the same name, R will use the local variable.

First rule of good programming

AVOID GLOBAL VARIABLES [whenever possible]

Each function should be self-contained.

All inputs passed as parameters.

All outputs returned using return() or invisible().

Lab exercise 3/4

Write a function which:
1. Takes a file name and two numbers (the defaults for the two numbers should be 1 and 2),
2. Reads in a table of data (assume that the file is comma delimited),
3. Plots the columns represented by the two numbers against each other.

Use the read_csv() function.
Use print() to check the values of intermediate results (to see if your function is working).
Use the hake.csv file we used previously to check your program.

Dynamic lookup

R looks for values when the function is run, not when it’s created.
The output of a function can be different depending on objects outside its environment:

f <- function() x
x <- 15
[1] 15
x <- 20
[1] 20

We generally want to avoid this behavior - function is not self-contained.
Detect using findGlobals() function from package codetools.

f <- function() x + 1
[1] "+" "x"

All of the standard operators in R are in fact functions.
You can therefore override them with your own alternatives.
- may or may not be a good April Fool’s joke if your colleague leaves their computer unlocked.


Arguments can be specified by position, by complete name, or by partial name.
Avoid using positional matching for less commonly used arguments.
Calling a function given a list of arguments using

args <- list(1:10, na.rm = TRUE), list(1:10, na.rm = TRUE))
[1] 5.5

Determine if an argument was supplied or not using missing().

i <- function(a, b) c(missing(a), missing(b))
i(a = 1)
i(b = 2)

infix functions

Most functions in R are prefix functions, the function name comes before the arguments.

Can also have infix arguments where function comes between the arguments, like + or -.

All user-created infix functions must start and end with %

e.g. new function to paste together two strings

`%+%` <- function(a, b) paste(a, b, sep = "")
"new" %+% "string"
[1] "newstring"

NB: when creating, function name has to be put in backticks.

Debugging + defensive programming

What happens when something goes wrong with your R code?

Debugging + defensive programming

What happens when something goes wrong with your R code?

What do you do? What tools do you have to address the problem?

Debugging is the art and science of fixing unexpected problems in your code.

Read the error message!

Useful functions include traceback() and browser(). Also interactive tools in RStudio.

Debugging + defensive programming

Not all problems are unexpected, you can often anticipate potential problems.

“Finding your bug is a process of confirming the many things that you believe are true - until you find one which is not true.”
(Norm Matloff)

Add statements to your function that stop the calculations and return messages when function assumptions are not met.

You can debug with just print(), there are times when additional help is welcome.

Debugging procedure

Realize that you have a bug.
- (the first step is admitting you have a problem….)

Make it repeatable.
- once found, need to be able to reproduce it on command.
- slowly whittle down to the smallest snippet that still causes the error.
- binary search is useful for this. (repeatedly remove half the code).
- if generating the bug takes time, figure out how to get it faster (create minimal example).
- during this you’ll discover similar inputs that don’t trigger the bug. WRITE THESE DOWN.

Debugging procedure

Figure out where the bug is.
- Use helpful tools to try and identify the offending line of code.
- Generate hypotheses, design experiments to test them, record results.
- A systematic approach will often end up saving you time.

Fix it and test it.
- Figure out how to fix it and to check that the fix worked.
- Carefully record the correct output, and check against the inputs that previously failed.

Lab exercise 4/4

Write a function (or set of functions) that:
a. takes two vectors of data,
b. produces a scatterplot of one vector vs the other,
c. adds a title that is a species name,
d. performs a regression if there is enough data,
e. adds the estimated regression line to the plot, and
f. returns the coefficients of the regression.

Add an argument that determines whether the regression should be based on the logs of the input vectors.

Hint Test your functions with some dummy data. Reuse code from earlier today and from other labs.

Apply your function(s) to the Laengelmavesi2 data.