Gavin Fay, Madeleine Guyant
(last updated: 2023-03-05)
Full description and interpretation of the results for the MSE can be
found in the final report via the Council’s Recreational
Summer Flounder MSE webpage.
Operating Models: simulations were conducted for three operating models,
a base-case ( Base), a MRIP Bias
scenario that conditioned the operating model assuming the MRIP
estimates of recreational catch are biased high, and a distribution
shift ( Shift) model that modeled a northward shift
over time in the avaialbility of summer flounder to the recreational
The performance of seven Management Procedures was
evaluated, which differed in the regulations settings for the
recreational fishery. A summary description of the Management
Procedures, and the explanation of the notation used in the plots below
can be found in this
Each Management Procedure was applied to each operating model and
compared using 17 Performance Metrics summarizing
performance associated with four Management Objectives. 100 simulations
were conducted for each combination of Operating Model and Management
Procedure. Details of management objectives and the performance metrics,
including the notation used in the plots below can be found in this
table (scroll to page 2).